Philosophers Bio

Adrian Catron is a philosopher and author investigating life's profound questions with an holistic and unconventional lens.

His debut book, "One Theory About Everything: The Natural Philosophy of Life and Love," offers a unifying framework that explores the deep connections between the human microcosm and the vast cosmos.

Adriaan's clear and unique style covers topics such as love, life, death, time, religion, sexuality, quantum physics, and the utopia of world peace, all woven together by a coherent theory that links our lives to the universe.

In this profound work, Adriaan blends insights from science, spirituality, and personal experience into a grand theory of reality's interconnected layers. From the subatomic to the infinite, he maps out an empowering worldview of our place in the fabric of existence.

Adriaan's follow-up book, "The Stoic Microdosing Method: A Practical Guide to Control Anxiety," translates ancient Stoic principles into a modern framework for mastering mindfulness.

This practical and effective system provides readers with a powerful tool to overcome anxiety and live with greater presence and peace.

Through his writings, Adriaan inspires readers to step beyond rigid dogmas and embrace a courageous, all-encompassing personal philosophy.

When not exploring the depths of natural philosophy, he can be found wandering the world in search of truth and beauty.

My Philosophy:

Philosophy is more than just an academic subject: it is a way of life.

I believe in the power of three eternal and infinite processes: the pursuit of truth, the acquisition of knowledge, and the search for beauty. And I believe in doing so with absolute freedom, always following my own heart and interests.

Whether through writing, art, or simply being, I dedicate myself to making the universe a more beautiful place.


I have always firmly believed in the importance of knowledge.

The best way to acquire knowledge is through reading, but to understand it, one must put it into practice, and mastery comes from teaching others.

I constantly seek to expand my understanding of the universe around me, and my ultimate goal is to find answers to all the questions that humanity has asked throughout history.

I can never know everything, but I believe it is possible to understand everything, and I am committed to that pursuit.


The idea of truth has always fascinated me, and I believe that truth is not something that exists in an absolute sense. Rather, it is something we create through our own perceptions and experiences. Even if everyone around us believes something is true, that does not necessarily make it so.

Why seek it then?

Because you need it to interact with others peacefully and respectfully. On this planet, there are 8,205,498,903 human beings and, therefore, the same number of truths.

I like to know as much as possible about the other person when I interact with them. I want to understand their point of view, without losing my own.

There must be a universal truth, but this truth is unknown to most of humanity. A few knew it existed, but they are already dead. Time kills all people.

A universal truth, something that no one can say is not true, is what I am searching for...


Beauty is perception. Everything is beautiful, and everyone is beautiful... to someone. The most important thing is that you know you are beautiful.

Beauty surrounds us every day and everywhere. You just have to take the time to appreciate it... You can live your life thinking that everything is beautiful or that nothing is.

As an artist, I can only try to imitate the perfection of nature's beauty...

Ultimately, I believe we are all creators, and we have the power to shape the universe around us according to our own perceptions and interpretations.

The universe is our canvas, and we are the artists who create our own masterpieces every day.